Figure 3.
Severe ICAHT is associated with an increased rate of infection. (A-B) Relative distribution of infection grades for all infection subtypes (A) and for bacterial infections only (B) comparing patients without (grade 0-2) vs with severe ICAHT (grade ≥3). The respective infection grades (1-5°) are color-coded; P values were determined by χ2 test. A table summarizes the rate of severe infections (grade 3 or higher) and severe bacterial infections by ICAHT severity (P value as determined by Fisher exact test).

Severe ICAHT is associated with an increased rate of infection. (A-B) Relative distribution of infection grades for all infection subtypes (A) and for bacterial infections only (B) comparing patients without (grade 0-2) vs with severe ICAHT (grade ≥3). The respective infection grades (1-5°) are color-coded; P values were determined by χ2 test. A table summarizes the rate of severe infections (grade 3 or higher) and severe bacterial infections by ICAHT severity (P value as determined by Fisher exact test).

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