Figure 2.
Impact of ICAHT severity on the duration of severe neutropenia and neutrophil recovery phenotypes. (A) Median duration of severe neutropenia (ANC <500/μL) between CAR-T infusion and day 60 by ICAHT severity grade. Whiskers indicate the 95% CI. (B) Distribution of neutrophil recovery phenotypes for each ICAHT grade (“quick” [Q] vs “intermittent” [I]vs “aplastic” [A]; for definitions see Rejeski et al11).

Impact of ICAHT severity on the duration of severe neutropenia and neutrophil recovery phenotypes. (A) Median duration of severe neutropenia (ANC <500/μL) between CAR-T infusion and day 60 by ICAHT severity grade. Whiskers indicate the 95% CI. (B) Distribution of neutrophil recovery phenotypes for each ICAHT grade (“quick” [Q] vs “intermittent” [I]vs “aplastic” [A]; for definitions see Rejeski et al11).

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