Figure 4.
Nomogram for the multivariable logistic regression Model 2 (considering post-HCT variable). Model 2 equation: log(p1−p) = −6.9217 + 0.0440 × age + 0.0183 × wtpr-0.9050 × kps(≥90 vs < 90) + 1.2258 × donorf_3(HLA-mismatch relative vs HLA-identical sibling) + 0.7943 × donorf_4(matched unrelated donor vs HLA-identical sibling) + 0.0315 × donorf_5(mismatched unrelated donor and cord blood vs HLA-identical sibling) + 0.3033 × grafttype_22(peripheral blood vs bone marrow) + 1.5294 × grafttype_23(umbilical cord blood vs bone marrow) + 2.0397 × pain crisis 2ypr(yes vs no) + 2.0516 × GF(yes vs no), in which “p” represents the probability of having pain crisis after HCT).

Nomogram for the multivariable logistic regression Model 2 (considering post-HCT variable). Model 2 equation: log(p1p) = −6.9217 + 0.0440 × age + 0.0183 × wtpr-0.9050 × kps(≥90 vs < 90) + 1.2258 × donorf_3(HLA-mismatch relative vs HLA-identical sibling) + 0.7943 × donorf_4(matched unrelated donor vs HLA-identical sibling) + 0.0315 × donorf_5(mismatched unrelated donor and cord blood vs HLA-identical sibling) + 0.3033 × grafttype_22(peripheral blood vs bone marrow) + 1.5294 × grafttype_23(umbilical cord blood vs bone marrow) + 2.0397 × pain crisis 2ypr(yes vs no) + 2.0516 × GF(yes vs no), in which “p” represents the probability of having pain crisis after HCT).

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