Figure 2.
Median platelet counts in patients who continued rilzabrutinib 400 mg BID in the LTE. (A) All 16 patients in LTE and (B) patients in LTE who received rilzabrutinib monotherapy or with concomitant ITP medication. The number of patients in each group was fixed and did not change to monotherapy if patients discontinued concomitant ITP medication. ∗Day 85 may refer to visit day 85 or visit cycle 4, day 1, depending on duration of cycles. Day 169 may refer to visit day 169; cycle 1, day 1 LTE; or visit cycle 7, day 1, depending on the availability of patient’s visit information and duration of cycles. Platelet count threshold levels are denoted by the horizontal purple line at 30 × 109/L and the green line at 50 × 109/L. BID, twice daily.

Median platelet counts in patients who continued rilzabrutinib 400 mg BID in the LTE. (A) All 16 patients in LTE and (B) patients in LTE who received rilzabrutinib monotherapy or with concomitant ITP medication. The number of patients in each group was fixed and did not change to monotherapy if patients discontinued concomitant ITP medication. ∗Day 85 may refer to visit day 85 or visit cycle 4, day 1, depending on duration of cycles. Day 169 may refer to visit day 169; cycle 1, day 1 LTE; or visit cycle 7, day 1, depending on the availability of patient’s visit information and duration of cycles. Platelet count threshold levels are denoted by the horizontal purple line at 30 × 109/L and the green line at 50 × 109/L. BID, twice daily.

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