Figure 2.
Altered BM T-cell composition is associated with the remission status. (A) UMAP highlighting CR and REL cells (green, REL; blue, CR). (B) Absolute numbers of cells across CD3+ T-cell types. The different colors indicate REL (green) and CR (blue) samples. (C) Differential abundance per cell type, within the CD3+ population. The bars represent the log2 odds ratios (Fisher exact test, P value after Bonferroni correction; n.s., not significant; ∗∗∗P < .0001). (D) (Left) Scaled expression (z-score) of publicly available cellular indexing of transcriptome and epitopes (CITE)-seq data. Features (x-axis) with antibody (AB) suffix indicate that the measurement was performed on protein level. (Right) Percentage of cells per cluster (x-axis) that map to public reference clusters (y-axis). Bold cluster names indicate CD8+ TEMRA subsets (CD45RA+ CCR7–). (E) Comparison of the CD8+ pseudotime (calculated with Monocle3) between CR and REL using naive CD8+ as the starting population. Box plot (top) and density plot (bottom) depicting the pseudotime of CD8+ cells in CR (blue) and REL (green). Difference between CR and REL was assessed using t test. (F) Heat map depicting the scaled expression across pseudotime of selected effector, memory, and exhaustion genes in CD8+ cells. (G) Diffusion maps for the CD8+ cells colored according to the inferred pseudotime using Monocle3 split per condition (top) and based on the clusters (bottom).

Altered BM T-cell composition is associated with the remission status. (A) UMAP highlighting CR and REL cells (green, REL; blue, CR). (B) Absolute numbers of cells across CD3+ T-cell types. The different colors indicate REL (green) and CR (blue) samples. (C) Differential abundance per cell type, within the CD3+ population. The bars represent the log2 odds ratios (Fisher exact test, P value after Bonferroni correction; n.s., not significant; ∗∗∗P < .0001). (D) (Left) Scaled expression (z-score) of publicly available cellular indexing of transcriptome and epitopes (CITE)-seq data. Features (x-axis) with antibody (AB) suffix indicate that the measurement was performed on protein level. (Right) Percentage of cells per cluster (x-axis) that map to public reference clusters (y-axis). Bold cluster names indicate CD8+ TEMRA subsets (CD45RA+ CCR7). (E) Comparison of the CD8+ pseudotime (calculated with Monocle3) between CR and REL using naive CD8+ as the starting population. Box plot (top) and density plot (bottom) depicting the pseudotime of CD8+ cells in CR (blue) and REL (green). Difference between CR and REL was assessed using t test. (F) Heat map depicting the scaled expression across pseudotime of selected effector, memory, and exhaustion genes in CD8+ cells. (G) Diffusion maps for the CD8+ cells colored according to the inferred pseudotime using Monocle3 split per condition (top) and based on the clusters (bottom).

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