Figure 1.
Our algorithm for management of MPN pregnancy in 2023. Saving Babies Lives version 330; ∗additional risk factors for thrombosis in pregnancy taken from the NHS England list30; ∗∗generally accepted features of placental insufficiency include31 abnormal or nonreassuring fetal surveillance tests; abnormal Doppler flow velocity wave forms analysis suggestive of fetal hypoxemia; oligohydramnios; and postnatal birth weight less than the 10th percentile for gestational age. IFN, interferon. Model was adapted from Harrison and Robinson.9

Our algorithm for management of MPN pregnancy in 2023. Saving Babies Lives version 330; ∗additional risk factors for thrombosis in pregnancy taken from the NHS England list30; ∗∗generally accepted features of placental insufficiency include31 abnormal or nonreassuring fetal surveillance tests; abnormal Doppler flow velocity wave forms analysis suggestive of fetal hypoxemia; oligohydramnios; and postnatal birth weight less than the 10th percentile for gestational age. IFN, interferon. Model was adapted from Harrison and Robinson.9 

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