FigureĀ 1.
PFS for patients treated with BV-DTIC (part B) or BV-nivolumab (part D) (full analysis set). (A) For patients treated with BV-DTIC, mPFS was 47.2 months (95% CI, 10.78-not estimable) at a median follow-up of 63.6 months, and there were 8 PFS events among 22 patients. (B) For patients treated with BV-nivolumab, mPFS has not been reached yet (95% CI, 9.36-not estimable), and 8 PFS events have occurred among 21 patients with a median follow-up of 51.6 months. Censored patients are denoted by hash marks. PD, progressive disease.

PFS for patients treated with BV-DTIC (part B) or BV-nivolumab (part D) (full analysis set). (A) For patients treated with BV-DTIC, mPFS was 47.2 months (95% CI, 10.78-not estimable) at a median follow-up of 63.6 months, and there were 8 PFS events among 22 patients. (B) For patients treated with BV-nivolumab, mPFS has not been reached yet (95% CI, 9.36-not estimable), and 8 PFS events have occurred among 21 patients with a median follow-up of 51.6 months. Censored patients are denoted by hash marks. PD, progressive disease.

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