Changes in chromatin-enriched proteins upon SGF29 deletion. (A) Schematic for the ChEP sample preparation, as previously described.32 (B) A donut plot showing the functional protein categories identified in the chromatin-enriched proteome fractions. Proteins were annotated using the categories outlined in Datlinger et al.32 The number of proteins per category is shown in parentheses. (C) Volcano plot depicting −log(10) of the adjusted P value on the y-axis and log(2) of fold change (LogFC) of all proteins in the chromatin fractions for both SGF29 knockout vs NTC. Differentially abundant proteins are marked in blue for depletion and red for enrichment (absolute FC >2, adjusted P value < .05); n = 3 for every experimental condition. (D) Bar graphs depicting intensity values for ChEP-enriched key AML-associated oncoproteins (top panel) or STAGA complex members (bottom panel) in SGF29 knockout vs NTC cells (n = 3) are shown. (E) Dot blot representing 2 independent replicates for KAT2A expression in ChEP-enriched, cytoplasmic , and whole-cell fractions for NTC (left) and SGF29 knockout (right) U937 cells. Vinculin and histone H3 were included as cytoplasmic and chromatin protein controls, respectively.