Figure 5.
Evaluation of the activity of the SGF29 Tudor domain in AML cells. (A) Fraction of SGF29 chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-seq peaks in the promoter (black) and nonpromoter (gray) regions in U937 cells are shown in the donut plot. The number of peaks is indicated. (B) Association of SGF29 ChIP-seq peaks in promoter regions with H3K4me3 marked regions, and intergenic, intronic, and other peaks with regions marked by H3K27ac in U937 cells are shown in the bar graph as marked. The x-axis shows the number of peaks. (C) Genome tracks on the integrative genomics viewer (IGV) depicting normalized reads (y-axis) for wild-type (blue) or mutant SGF29D196R (orange) at the genomic loci of the HOXA/MEIS1, MYC, and BMI1 genes. (D) Number of CFU from MLL-AF9–transformed murine cells transduced with Sgf29 intron-targeting sgRNA (Sgf29-sg_Int) or Sgf29 exon-targeting sgRNA (Sgf29-sg1) (left panel) and the same group with wild-type SGF29 overexpression (middle panel) or SGF29 D196R mutant overexpression (right panel) are shown in the bar graphs. CFUs per 2000 plated cells at week 1 are plotted on the y-axis, and colonies are divided into those with a blast-like or differentiated colony morphology. (E) Representative images of CFUs in MLL-AF9 murine leukemias expressing: no construct (MLL-AF9, upper panel), SGF29 wild-type construct (middle panel), or SGF29D196R mutant (SGF29 mut, lower panel) and either of the indicated sgRNAs: none, Sgf29-sg_Int, or Sgf29-sg1. Representative colonies are shown in bright field at 10× original magnification.

Evaluation of the activity of the SGF29 Tudor domain in AML cells. (A) Fraction of SGF29 chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)-seq peaks in the promoter (black) and nonpromoter (gray) regions in U937 cells are shown in the donut plot. The number of peaks is indicated. (B) Association of SGF29 ChIP-seq peaks in promoter regions with H3K4me3 marked regions, and intergenic, intronic, and other peaks with regions marked by H3K27ac in U937 cells are shown in the bar graph as marked. The x-axis shows the number of peaks. (C) Genome tracks on the integrative genomics viewer (IGV) depicting normalized reads (y-axis) for wild-type (blue) or mutant SGF29D196R (orange) at the genomic loci of the HOXA/MEIS1, MYC, and BMI1 genes. (D) Number of CFU from MLL-AF9–transformed murine cells transduced with Sgf29 intron-targeting sgRNA (Sgf29-sg_Int) or Sgf29 exon-targeting sgRNA (Sgf29-sg1) (left panel) and the same group with wild-type SGF29 overexpression (middle panel) or SGF29 D196R mutant overexpression (right panel) are shown in the bar graphs. CFUs per 2000 plated cells at week 1 are plotted on the y-axis, and colonies are divided into those with a blast-like or differentiated colony morphology. (E) Representative images of CFUs in MLL-AF9 murine leukemias expressing: no construct (MLL-AF9, upper panel), SGF29 wild-type construct (middle panel), or SGF29D196R mutant (SGF29 mut, lower panel) and either of the indicated sgRNAs: none, Sgf29-sg_Int, or Sgf29-sg1. Representative colonies are shown in bright field at 10× original magnification.

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