Sgf29 deletion impairs the clonogenicity of transformed but not normal hematopoietic cells. (A) Number of CFU from CALM-AF10 transformed murine cells transduced with Sgf29 intron-targeting sgRNA (Sgf29-sg-Int) or 2 independent Sgf29 exon-targeting sgRNAs (Sgf29-sg1 & 2) are shown in the bar graphs (n = 2 replicates with 2 independent sgRNAs each). CFUs per 2000 plated cells at week 1 are plotted on the y-axis, and colonies are divided into those with a blast-like or differentiated colony morphology. (B) Pictures of representative colonies with each of the labeled sgRNA-transduced cells. Scale bar, 100 μm. (C) Wright-Giemsa–stained cytospins of representative cells from each of the CRISPR perturbations are shown. Scale bar, 10 μm. CFUs, colony morphology, and Wright-Giemsa stains are also shown for MLL-AF9 (D-F) and MLL-AF10 (G-I) transformed cells. (J) Number of CFUs per 10 000 LSK-sorted murine HSPCs expressing Cas9 and Sgf29-Intron (gray) or Sgf29-targeting (blue) sgRNAs, 10 days after seeding in methylcellulose media are shown. The y-axis shows the numbers of different types of colonies from cells expressing the indicated sgRNA and are categorized by their morphology as CFU-G (colony-forming unit-granulocyte), CFU-M (colony-forming unit-macrophage), CFU-GM (colony-forming unit-granulocyte monocyte) and CFU-Blast (blast-like colonies). (K) Representative images from each experimental condition (n = 4). Representative colonies are shown in bright field at 10× original magnification.

Sgf29 deletion impairs the clonogenicity of transformed but not normal hematopoietic cells. (A) Number of CFU from CALM-AF10 transformed murine cells transduced with Sgf29 intron-targeting sgRNA (Sgf29-sg-Int) or 2 independent Sgf29 exon-targeting sgRNAs (Sgf29-sg1 & 2) are shown in the bar graphs (n = 2 replicates with 2 independent sgRNAs each). CFUs per 2000 plated cells at week 1 are plotted on the y-axis, and colonies are divided into those with a blast-like or differentiated colony morphology. (B) Pictures of representative colonies with each of the labeled sgRNA-transduced cells. Scale bar, 100 μm. (C) Wright-Giemsa–stained cytospins of representative cells from each of the CRISPR perturbations are shown. Scale bar, 10 μm. CFUs, colony morphology, and Wright-Giemsa stains are also shown for MLL-AF9 (D-F) and MLL-AF10 (G-I) transformed cells. (J) Number of CFUs per 10 000 LSK-sorted murine HSPCs expressing Cas9 and Sgf29-Intron (gray) or Sgf29-targeting (blue) sgRNAs, 10 days after seeding in methylcellulose media are shown. The y-axis shows the numbers of different types of colonies from cells expressing the indicated sgRNA and are categorized by their morphology as CFU-G (colony-forming unit-granulocyte), CFU-M (colony-forming unit-macrophage), CFU-GM (colony-forming unit-granulocyte monocyte) and CFU-Blast (blast-like colonies). (K) Representative images from each experimental condition (n = 4). Representative colonies are shown in bright field at 10× original magnification.

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