Figure 2.
Validation and characterization of candidate MEIS1 regulators. (A) Schematic of competition assay with cells transduced with sgRNAs expressed in a BFP-positive backbone. The proportion of BFP-positive, sgRNA-transduced cells (% BFP) is assessed over time using flow cytometry and compared to BFP negative, sgRNA nontransduced cells. (B) Bar graphs indicating flow cytometry measurements of the percentage of UB3 BFP-positive cells over time (y-axis), normalized to the baseline (time 0 or T “0”) measurement (n = 3); the x-axis indicates the sgRNA number for NTCs (gray bars) or each gene (n = 2-3 sgRNAs per gene). Each bar represents a time point measurement: baseline (T0), day 8, day 11, and day 14. (C) Uniform manifold approximation (UMAP) plots of synthetic gene expression profiles from CROP-seq perturbations in U937 GFP-MEIS1 cells. (D) Dot plot comparing the expression of self-renewal–associated and differentiation-associated genes in cells with each perturbation. Dot sizes scale with the percentage of cells per gene knockout. (E) A relative score of DepMap dependencies for leukemia (n = 41) compared with nonleukemia cell lines (labeled “other”; n = 979) is shown for candidate hits identified in our screen. The y-axis is the rank of AML selectivity (with a rank of 1 being the most selective), and the x-axis shows the negative log10 P values. The dotted line separates the significant (false discovery rate [FDR] P value <.05) from the nonsignificant (FDR P value >.05). The P value was calculated using the Wilcox test of Chronos scores in leukemia compared with other cell lines. (F) A sigmoid plot of DepMap data showing the dependency score (Chronos, x-axis), compared with the normalized dependency rank (y-axis) for SGF29 in 41 leukemia cell lines in blue compared to 979 nonleukemia cell lines labeled “other” (gray).

Validation and characterization of candidate MEIS1 regulators. (A) Schematic of competition assay with cells transduced with sgRNAs expressed in a BFP-positive backbone. The proportion of BFP-positive, sgRNA-transduced cells (% BFP) is assessed over time using flow cytometry and compared to BFP negative, sgRNA nontransduced cells. (B) Bar graphs indicating flow cytometry measurements of the percentage of UB3 BFP-positive cells over time (y-axis), normalized to the baseline (time 0 or T “0”) measurement (n = 3); the x-axis indicates the sgRNA number for NTCs (gray bars) or each gene (n = 2-3 sgRNAs per gene). Each bar represents a time point measurement: baseline (T0), day 8, day 11, and day 14. (C) Uniform manifold approximation (UMAP) plots of synthetic gene expression profiles from CROP-seq perturbations in U937 GFP-MEIS1 cells. (D) Dot plot comparing the expression of self-renewal–associated and differentiation-associated genes in cells with each perturbation. Dot sizes scale with the percentage of cells per gene knockout. (E) A relative score of DepMap dependencies for leukemia (n = 41) compared with nonleukemia cell lines (labeled “other”; n = 979) is shown for candidate hits identified in our screen. The y-axis is the rank of AML selectivity (with a rank of 1 being the most selective), and the x-axis shows the negative log10 P values. The dotted line separates the significant (false discovery rate [FDR] P value <.05) from the nonsignificant (FDR P value >.05). The P value was calculated using the Wilcox test of Chronos scores in leukemia compared with other cell lines. (F) A sigmoid plot of DepMap data showing the dependency score (Chronos, x-axis), compared with the normalized dependency rank (y-axis) for SGF29 in 41 leukemia cell lines in blue compared to 979 nonleukemia cell lines labeled “other” (gray).

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