Figure 4.
The A-TAH is a hemocompatible device. (A) All A-TAH components, except external batteries, are embodied in a single device, mimicking the normal heart. Electrical-hydraulic rotary pumps activate silicone oil, deploying back and forth hybrid membranes. Endothelial recovery of explanted glutaraldehyde–treated membranes of ventricle in feasibility study. Electron microscopy showed pseudotube formations on this fibrin cap observed in a patient 72 days postimplantation. (B) There was a genuine endothelial covering of the cap in a patient with 270 days of implantation (C). (D) All of the membranes show cells with an endothelial phenotype confirmed by immunohistochemical labeling for VE-cadherin (CD144). (E) Representative VWF multimers contained in plasma samples from patient on HMII, HM3, or A-TAH were detected using the semiautomated Hydragel von Willebrand multimers assay kit (Hydrasis 2 Scan instrumentation, Sébia). Plasma pooled from healthy subjects was examined as standard reference. (F) Multimers densitometry from left low molecular weight multimers (LMWM, peaks 1-5) to the right high molecular weight multimers (HMWM, peaks over 10). Intermediate molecular weight VWF multimers (IMWM) are peaks 6 to 10. VWF multimers from healthy volunteer is indicated by a solid black line, A-TAH samples are in blue, while HMII and HM-3 are respectively in red and orange.

The A-TAH is a hemocompatible device. (A) All A-TAH components, except external batteries, are embodied in a single device, mimicking the normal heart. Electrical-hydraulic rotary pumps activate silicone oil, deploying back and forth hybrid membranes. Endothelial recovery of explanted glutaraldehyde–treated membranes of ventricle in feasibility study. Electron microscopy showed pseudotube formations on this fibrin cap observed in a patient 72 days postimplantation. (B) There was a genuine endothelial covering of the cap in a patient with 270 days of implantation (C). (D) All of the membranes show cells with an endothelial phenotype confirmed by immunohistochemical labeling for VE-cadherin (CD144). (E) Representative VWF multimers contained in plasma samples from patient on HMII, HM3, or A-TAH were detected using the semiautomated Hydragel von Willebrand multimers assay kit (Hydrasis 2 Scan instrumentation, Sébia). Plasma pooled from healthy subjects was examined as standard reference. (F) Multimers densitometry from left low molecular weight multimers (LMWM, peaks 1-5) to the right high molecular weight multimers (HMWM, peaks over 10). Intermediate molecular weight VWF multimers (IMWM) are peaks 6 to 10. VWF multimers from healthy volunteer is indicated by a solid black line, A-TAH samples are in blue, while HMII and HM-3 are respectively in red and orange.

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