Figure 3.
Transusion and ferritin outcomes in TM and TI. (A) Forest plot comparing transfusion requirements in the 9-month prepregnancy period to pregnancy (mL/kg) in TM. (B) Forest plot comparing ferritin increase between prepregnancy and the postpartum period in TM and TI. (C) Comparison between change in the ferritin level before pregnancy and post partum in TM and TI. (D) Forest plot comparing changes in ferritin level during pregnancy in TM and TI.

Transusion and ferritin outcomes in TM and TI. (A) Forest plot comparing transfusion requirements in the 9-month prepregnancy period to pregnancy (mL/kg) in TM. (B) Forest plot comparing ferritin increase between prepregnancy and the postpartum period in TM and TI. (C) Comparison between change in the ferritin level before pregnancy and post partum in TM and TI. (D) Forest plot comparing changes in ferritin level during pregnancy in TM and TI.

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