Figure 2.
Toxicities after CD28–costimulated CART19 infusion according to LD regimen administered. (A) Incidence of CRS (grade [G] 1-2: light purple; G ≥ 3: purple), ICANS (G1-2: light purple; G ≥ 3: purple), infections, and neutropenic fever events according to LD within 30 days after axi-cel infusion in the entire cohort; (B) incidence of CRS (G1-2: light purple; G ≥ 3: purple), ICANS (G1-2: light purple; G ≥ 3: purple), infections, and neutropenic fever events according to LD within 30 days after axi-cel infusion in the LBCL cohort; (C) incidence of CRS (G1-2: light purple; G ≥ 3: purple), ICANS (G1-2: light purple; G ≥ 3: purple), infections, and neutropenic fever events according to LD within 30 days after axi-cel infusion in the FL cohort. ∗P < .050 and ∗∗∗P < .001; ns, not statistically significant. CRS, cytokine-release syndrome; ICANS, immune cell associated neurotoxicity syndrome; G, grade.

Toxicities after CD28–costimulated CART19 infusion according to LD regimen administered. (A) Incidence of CRS (grade [G] 1-2: light purple; G ≥ 3: purple), ICANS (G1-2: light purple; G ≥ 3: purple), infections, and neutropenic fever events according to LD within 30 days after axi-cel infusion in the entire cohort; (B) incidence of CRS (G1-2: light purple; G ≥ 3: purple), ICANS (G1-2: light purple; G ≥ 3: purple), infections, and neutropenic fever events according to LD within 30 days after axi-cel infusion in the LBCL cohort; (C) incidence of CRS (G1-2: light purple; G ≥ 3: purple), ICANS (G1-2: light purple; G ≥ 3: purple), infections, and neutropenic fever events according to LD within 30 days after axi-cel infusion in the FL cohort. ∗P < .050 and ∗∗∗P < .001; ns, not statistically significant. CRS, cytokine-release syndrome; ICANS, immune cell associated neurotoxicity syndrome; G, grade.

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