Figure 7.
Mouse pilot toxicity study of PA4. (A) Scheme of short-term safety assessment in CD-1 mice. (B) Body weight of CD-1 mice after being orally administrated with indicated dosages of PA4 once. (C) Scheme of subacute toxicity assessment in C57BL/6j mice. (D) Body weight of mice during oral gavage with PBS or 50mg/kg PA4 daily for 12 days. (E) Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels after 12-day 50-mg/kg PA4 treatment; ∗∗P < .01. (F) Representative images of H&E staining of indicated organs from PA4 and PBS treatment groups.

Mouse pilot toxicity study of PA4. (A) Scheme of short-term safety assessment in CD-1 mice. (B) Body weight of CD-1 mice after being orally administrated with indicated dosages of PA4 once. (C) Scheme of subacute toxicity assessment in C57BL/6j mice. (D) Body weight of mice during oral gavage with PBS or 50mg/kg PA4 daily for 12 days. (E) Serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels after 12-day 50-mg/kg PA4 treatment; ∗∗P < .01. (F) Representative images of H&E staining of indicated organs from PA4 and PBS treatment groups.

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