Correlates of treatment response and resistance. (A) Serial bone marrow aspirate samples analyzed using multiparameter flow cytometry visualized using t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) plots generated by Cytobank. (B) Correlating 2-HG data from serial plasma samples. (C) Serial bone marrow aspirate samples taken at baseline, CR and relapse were analyzed using the ArcherDX’s FusionPlex Myeloid and VariantPlex Myeloid panels.

Correlates of treatment response and resistance. (A) Serial bone marrow aspirate samples analyzed using multiparameter flow cytometry visualized using t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE) plots generated by Cytobank. (B) Correlating 2-HG data from serial plasma samples. (C) Serial bone marrow aspirate samples taken at baseline, CR and relapse were analyzed using the ArcherDX’s FusionPlex Myeloid and VariantPlex Myeloid panels.

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