Figure 5.
Regulation of the membrane phosphoproteome of OV-treated RBCs with specific KIs. Comparison of phosphosites expression after treatment of RBCs taken in RCCs (3-day-old; n = 6) with KIs ([A] PRT062607, [B] bafetinib, [C] H89) and OV vs an OV treatment only. Volcano plot showing t test P values (log10) vs phosphosite fold changes (log2). Blue points correspond to class 1 phosphosites (multiplicity 1) differentially quantified and unchanged phosphosites are in gray. Significant pY are highlighted in red and nonsignificant in light red, common pY are highlighted in blue, and the common phosphosite in green. The black curves correspond to an FDR <0.05 and an S0 = 0.1. (D) Venn diagram between the 3 KIs.

Regulation of the membrane phosphoproteome of OV-treated RBCs with specific KIs. Comparison of phosphosites expression after treatment of RBCs taken in RCCs (3-day-old; n = 6) with KIs ([A] PRT062607, [B] bafetinib, [C] H89) and OV vs an OV treatment only. Volcano plot showing t test P values (log10) vs phosphosite fold changes (log2). Blue points correspond to class 1 phosphosites (multiplicity 1) differentially quantified and unchanged phosphosites are in gray. Significant pY are highlighted in red and nonsignificant in light red, common pY are highlighted in blue, and the common phosphosite in green. The black curves correspond to an FDR <0.05 and an S0 = 0.1. (D) Venn diagram between the 3 KIs.

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