Figure 5.
Nonpolymerizable fibrinogenEK limits fibrin formation and suppresses fibrinolysis. (A-B) Turbidity analysis of FgaWT/WT, FgaWT/EK, FgaEK/EK, Fga+/−, and Fga−/− plasma (n = 3) in the (A) absence and (B) presence of 2 μg/mL of tPA. (C-D) Turbidity analysis of plasma containing different ratios of FgaWT/WT and FgaEK/EK plasma (n = 3 per ratio) in the (C) absence and (D) presence of tPA. (E-F) Turbidity analysis using increasing amount of purified FibWT reconstituted (0.5-1.0 mg/mL) in Fga−/− plasma (n = 2) in the (E) absence and (F) presence of tPA. (G-H) Turbidity analysis using purified FibWT (0.5 mg/mL) and increasing amounts of purified FibEK (0-0.5 mg/mL) reconstituted in Fga−/− plasma (n = 2) in the (G) absence and (H) presence of tPA. OD, optical density.