Figure 1.
FgaWT/EK and FgaEK/EK mice are protected against the FeCl3-induced model of AT depending on injury severity. (A) Representative traces of blood flow, (B) vessel occlusion times, and (C) embolic incidence per mouse after a 3-minute exposure of 4% FeCl3 in FgaWT/WT, FgaWT/EK, FgaEK/EK, and Fga+/− mice. (D) Representative traces of blood flow, (E) vessel occlusion times, and (F) embolic incidence per mouse after 3-minute exposure of 5% FeCl3 in FgaWT/WT, FgaWT/EK, FgaEK/EK, and Fga+/− mice. (G) Representative traces of blood flow, (H) vessel occlusion times, and (I) embolic incidence per mouse after 3-minute exposure of 10% FeCl3 in FgaWT/WT, FgaWT/EK, FgaEK/EK, Fga+/−, and Fga−/− mice. Blue arrows indicate embolic events. Horizontal bars indicate the median. Data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test. (J) Representative images of platelet accumulation (green) in the carotid arteries after injury with 8% FeCl3 for 1 minute. ∗P < .05; ∗∗P < .01; ∗∗∗P < .001. min, minute; ns, not significant.

FgaWT/EK and FgaEK/EK mice are protected against the FeCl3-induced model of AT depending on injury severity. (A) Representative traces of blood flow, (B) vessel occlusion times, and (C) embolic incidence per mouse after a 3-minute exposure of 4% FeCl3 in FgaWT/WT, FgaWT/EK, FgaEK/EK, and Fga+/− mice. (D) Representative traces of blood flow, (E) vessel occlusion times, and (F) embolic incidence per mouse after 3-minute exposure of 5% FeCl3 in FgaWT/WT, FgaWT/EK, FgaEK/EK, and Fga+/− mice. (G) Representative traces of blood flow, (H) vessel occlusion times, and (I) embolic incidence per mouse after 3-minute exposure of 10% FeCl3 in FgaWT/WT, FgaWT/EK, FgaEK/EK, Fga+/−, and Fga−/− mice. Blue arrows indicate embolic events. Horizontal bars indicate the median. Data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test. (J) Representative images of platelet accumulation (green) in the carotid arteries after injury with 8% FeCl3 for 1 minute. ∗P < .05; ∗∗P < .01; ∗∗∗P < .001. min, minute; ns, not significant.

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