t(11;14) MM cells are characterized by a B-cell–like epigenetic signature. (A) Enrichment heat maps of the peaks identified in each group (FDR ≤ 0.01 and Log2FC ≥ 1) using an independent bulk ATAC-seq data specific for MB cells and PCs. (B) Odds ratios indicate the overlap of the DARs identified in the t(11;14) MM cells (blue) and in the non-t(11;14) (red) when compared with those present in the MB cells and PCs. The error bars denote the 95% confidence interval calculated using a two-sided Fisher exact test. (C) Violin plots of the normalized enrichment score (NES) obtained in the t(11;14) vs non-t(11;14) MM groups. These data were generated on the integrated scRNA-seq counts using the Molecular Signatures databases (msigdb) for BM B cells (C8, HAY_BONE_MARROW_FOLLICULAR_B_CELL) and PCs (C8, HAY_BONE_MARROW_PLASMA_CELL). (D-E) Plots showing the top 30 most accessible motifs observed in t(11;14) (D) MM cell DARs and non-t(11;14) (E). The color scale represents the mlog10Padj with a light gray color indicating a low adjusted P value and a dark color a high adjusted P value. (F) Representation of the Tn5 bias–adjusted TF footprints for the B-cell motifs SPIB, SPI1, and PAX5; and the PC motifs PRDM1, RUNX1, and IRF7. The lines are colored in blue for the t(11;14) and red for non-t(11;14) MM cells. (G) Boxplots showing the scRNA expression of selected B-cell and PC genes identified by the DEG analysis and overexpressed in t(11:14) (blue) or non-t(11:14) (red) MM cells. The FDR values associated with each gene are shown at the top of each boxplot comparison.