Figure 1.
Identification of subtypes through clustering and dimension reduction. (A) Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) dimension reduction and density-based spatial clustering of samples used for training and holdout testing (n = 376), colored according to clusters, with cluster labels informed by Dai et al and Brady et al. (B-C) TARGET samples (n = 265) within our clustering colored according to subtype labels assigned by Dai et al (B) and Brady et al (C).

Identification of subtypes through clustering and dimension reduction. (A) Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) dimension reduction and density-based spatial clustering of samples used for training and holdout testing (n = 376), colored according to clusters, with cluster labels informed by Dai et al and Brady et al. (B-C) TARGET samples (n = 265) within our clustering colored according to subtype labels assigned by Dai et al (B) and Brady et al (C).

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