HEXIM1 regulates erythroid gene expression. (A) HEXIM1 occupancy and pausing index (PI) in genes that are upregulated or downregulated in HEXIM1 OE cells. (B-C) Heat maps showing regions that have differential (B) total and (C) serine-5 (Ser5) RNAPII occupancy in EV, HEXIM1 WT OE, and Y271A OE cell lines. (D) Volcano plot of differential total RNAPII occupancy in HEXIM1 OE cells compared with EV controls. (E) Top 5 motifs enriched for genomic regions that significantly gained RNAPII occupancy in HEXIM1 OE lines compared with EV controls. (F) Principal component (PC) analysis plot for total RNAPII in EV, HEXIM1 OE, and Y2A OE cell lines. (G) RNAPII occupancy at the β-globin loci in indicated cell lines. (H) Heat map of differential chromatin accessibility in indicated cell lines. (I) Volcano plot of differential chromatin accessibility in HEXIM1 OE cells. (J) Top 5 motifs enriched for genomic regions that become more accessible in HEXIM1 OE cell lines. (K) Gene ontology categories enriched for regions that become more accessible in HEXIM1 OE cell lines. (L) Chromatin accessibility at the β-globin loci in indicated cell lines. (M) BGLT3 RNA expression in indicated cell lines via quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Data are presented relative to 18S ribosomal RNA. ATAC, assay for transposase-accessible chromatin; LCR, locus control region.

HEXIM1 regulates erythroid gene expression. (A) HEXIM1 occupancy and pausing index (PI) in genes that are upregulated or downregulated in HEXIM1 OE cells. (B-C) Heat maps showing regions that have differential (B) total and (C) serine-5 (Ser5) RNAPII occupancy in EV, HEXIM1 WT OE, and Y271A OE cell lines. (D) Volcano plot of differential total RNAPII occupancy in HEXIM1 OE cells compared with EV controls. (E) Top 5 motifs enriched for genomic regions that significantly gained RNAPII occupancy in HEXIM1 OE lines compared with EV controls. (F) Principal component (PC) analysis plot for total RNAPII in EV, HEXIM1 OE, and Y2A OE cell lines. (G) RNAPII occupancy at the β-globin loci in indicated cell lines. (H) Heat map of differential chromatin accessibility in indicated cell lines. (I) Volcano plot of differential chromatin accessibility in HEXIM1 OE cells. (J) Top 5 motifs enriched for genomic regions that become more accessible in HEXIM1 OE cell lines. (K) Gene ontology categories enriched for regions that become more accessible in HEXIM1 OE cell lines. (L) Chromatin accessibility at the β-globin loci in indicated cell lines. (M) BGLT3 RNA expression in indicated cell lines via quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Data are presented relative to 18S ribosomal RNA. ATAC, assay for transposase-accessible chromatin; LCR, locus control region.

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