FigureĀ 1.
The current strategy to monitor and revise ASH CPGs. A monitoring working group (composed of guideline panelists and a librarian) will initiate the monitoring process 2 years after the initial CPG and annually thereafter. Based on the literature review of new evidence, the working group will decide on the importance and impact on the existing recommendations and make 1 of 3 recommendations to the ASH Committee on Quality: (1) revise the CPG, (2) continue to monitor annually, or (3) retire the CPG. CPG, clinical practice guideline; WG, working group.

The current strategy to monitor and revise ASH CPGs. A monitoring working group (composed of guideline panelists and a librarian) will initiate the monitoring process 2 years after the initial CPG and annually thereafter. Based on the literature review of new evidence, the working group will decide on the importance and impact on the existing recommendations and make 1 of 3 recommendations to the ASH Committee on Quality: (1) revise the CPG, (2) continue to monitor annually, or (3) retire the CPG. CPG, clinical practice guideline; WG, working group.

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