Figure 3.
Metabolic repertoire higher expressed in 8-OHdGhiT cells. (A) Heat map shows differentially regulated metabolism-related genes as determined from the RNA seq analysis of 8-OHdGhi (n = 4) and 8-OHdGlo (n = 5) T cells. Only regulated genes with an adjusted P ≤ .1 together with a log2 fold change ≥0.585 or lesser than or equal to −0.585 were selected. The color scale represents the row-wise z score of gene expression. (B) Expression of the glycolytic pacemaker molecule HK2 based on its MFI is shown for 8-OHdGhi (n = 22) and 8-OHdGlo (n = 22) CD3+ T cells, as measured at different time points after allo-SCT, using FACS. (C) A t-SNE analysis of FACS data, based on CD4, CD8, CPT1α, and HK2 was performed on 17 000 CD3+CD56neg T cells gated as representatively shown (top). Events from HDs and patients who underwent 8-OHdGhi/lo allo-SCT acquired at all time points were plotted based on the calculated variables t-SNE 1 and t-SNE 2 and subsequently divided into the respective HD, 8-OHdGhi, and 8-OHdGlo groups (middle). Representative histograms of CD4, CD8, CPT1α, and HK2 are shown for selected areas that are characteristic for each individual group (bottom). P value: ∗P < .05; ∗∗P < .01; ∗∗∗P < .001. Bars represent the standard error of the mean. n, sample number; HK2, hexokinase-2.

Metabolic repertoire higher expressed in 8-OHdGhiT cells. (A) Heat map shows differentially regulated metabolism-related genes as determined from the RNA seq analysis of 8-OHdGhi (n = 4) and 8-OHdGlo (n = 5) T cells. Only regulated genes with an adjusted P ≤ .1 together with a log2 fold change ≥0.585 or lesser than or equal to −0.585 were selected. The color scale represents the row-wise z score of gene expression. (B) Expression of the glycolytic pacemaker molecule HK2 based on its MFI is shown for 8-OHdGhi (n = 22) and 8-OHdGlo (n = 22) CD3+ T cells, as measured at different time points after allo-SCT, using FACS. (C) A t-SNE analysis of FACS data, based on CD4, CD8, CPT1α, and HK2 was performed on 17 000 CD3+CD56neg T cells gated as representatively shown (top). Events from HDs and patients who underwent 8-OHdGhi/lo allo-SCT acquired at all time points were plotted based on the calculated variables t-SNE 1 and t-SNE 2 and subsequently divided into the respective HD, 8-OHdGhi, and 8-OHdGlo groups (middle). Representative histograms of CD4, CD8, CPT1α, and HK2 are shown for selected areas that are characteristic for each individual group (bottom). P value: ∗P < .05; ∗∗P < .01; ∗∗∗P < .001. Bars represent the standard error of the mean. n, sample number; HK2, hexokinase-2.

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