FigureĀ 6.
Tregs modulated colon T-cell infiltration and gene expression. (A) Scatter plots and marginal bar plots correlating and comparing the transcript expression of Cd3e, Icos, and Tnfrsf4 in the colon from mice receiving Tcons alone (blue dots and bars) or Tcons and Tregs (red dots and bars). Differences between groups were assessed using DESeq2. Correlations were evaluated using a Spearman rank correlation coefficient test. (B) PC analysis of transcriptome based on the top 1000 differentially expressed genes across colon tissues isolated at day 8 from mice receiving Tcons alone (blue dots) or Tcons and Tregs (red dots). (C) Top 10 enriched terms/pathways in colon Tcons from mice receiving Tcons and Tregs (positive NES, red bars indicate the significant pathways) or Tcons alone (negative NES, blue bars indicate the significant pathways) revealed by hallmark GSEA. (D) Enrichment plots displaying enrichment scores for the genes involved in allograft rejection (HALLMARK_ALLOGRAFT_REJECTION) and OXPHOS (HALLMARK_OXIDATIVE_PHOSPHORILATION) from colon tissues recovered at day 8 after HCT in the presence or absence of Tregs.

Tregs modulated colon T-cell infiltration and gene expression. (A) Scatter plots and marginal bar plots correlating and comparing the transcript expression of Cd3e, Icos, and Tnfrsf4 in the colon from mice receiving Tcons alone (blue dots and bars) or Tcons and Tregs (red dots and bars). Differences between groups were assessed using DESeq2. Correlations were evaluated using a Spearman rank correlation coefficient test. (B) PC analysis of transcriptome based on the top 1000 differentially expressed genes across colon tissues isolated at day 8 from mice receiving Tcons alone (blue dots) or Tcons and Tregs (red dots). (C) Top 10 enriched terms/pathways in colon Tcons from mice receiving Tcons and Tregs (positive NES, red bars indicate the significant pathways) or Tcons alone (negative NES, blue bars indicate the significant pathways) revealed by hallmark GSEA. (D) Enrichment plots displaying enrichment scores for the genes involved in allograft rejection (HALLMARK_ALLOGRAFT_REJECTION) and OXPHOS (HALLMARK_OXIDATIVE_PHOSPHORILATION) from colon tissues recovered at day 8 after HCT in the presence or absence of Tregs.

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