FigureĀ 5.
Treg-modulated genes regulate metabolic patterns in CD4 and CD8 Tcons during GVHD. (A-B) Top 10 enriched terms/pathways in CD4 (A) and CD8 (B) Tcons from mice receiving Tcons and Tregs (positive normalized enrichment score [NES], red bars indicate the significant pathways) or Tcons alone (negative NES, blue bars indicate the significant pathways) revealed via hallmark GSEA. (C) Map of genes regulating CD4 and CD8 Tcon metabolism before and after HCT. Single genes heatmap represent the row-scaled gene expression in FPKM (fragments per kilobase of transcript per million reads mapped). Genes and enzymes are indicated.

Treg-modulated genes regulate metabolic patterns in CD4 and CD8 Tcons during GVHD. (A-B) Top 10 enriched terms/pathways in CD4 (A) and CD8 (B) Tcons from mice receiving Tcons and Tregs (positive normalized enrichment score [NES], red bars indicate the significant pathways) or Tcons alone (negative NES, blue bars indicate the significant pathways) revealed via hallmark GSEA. (C) Map of genes regulating CD4 and CD8 Tcon metabolism before and after HCT. Single genes heatmap represent the row-scaled gene expression in FPKM (fragments per kilobase of transcript per million reads mapped). Genes and enzymes are indicated.

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