Figure 4.
SBNO2 is an essential direct transcriptional target of mutated STAT3. (A) GSEA analysis of differentially expressed genes between HPC7 cells expressing STAT3 or STAT3Y640F (blue) or primary CD8+ cells from patients with T-LGLL expressing either WT (n = 5) or mutated STAT3 (expressing: Y640F, n = 4; D661Y, n = 3; D661H, n = 1; D661V, n = 1; D661V+Y640F, n = 1) (red). (B) Heat map of commonly regulated genes (FDR < 0.05) between STAT3Y640F-expressing mouse HPC7 cell lines and samples from patients with T-LGLL. Genes that are stronger bound by STAT3Y640F are annotated in red on the right. (C) Overlap of genes that are overexpressed in murine and human STAT3-mutation–driven cells (i), are stronger bound by STAT3Y640F (top) (ii), and represent selective dependencies in STAT3Y640F-driven HPC7 cells (bottom) (iii). (D) Normalized expression of Sbno2 in HPC7 cells expressing either STAT3, STAT3Y640F, or empty vector (mean ± SD, n = 3). (E) Normalized expression of SBNO2 in healthy CD8+ T cells (n = 5) or T-LGLL cells expressing either WT (n = 5) or mutant (n = 10) STAT3 (mean ± SD). Levels of significance were calculated using unpaired t-tests in panels D-E. ∗P < .05; ∗∗P < .01; ∗∗∗P < .001. FDR, false discovery rate. GSEA Gene set enrichment analyses.

SBNO2 is an essential direct transcriptional target of mutated STAT3. (A) GSEA analysis of differentially expressed genes between HPC7 cells expressing STAT3 or STAT3Y640F (blue) or primary CD8+ cells from patients with T-LGLL expressing either WT (n = 5) or mutated STAT3 (expressing: Y640F, n = 4; D661Y, n = 3; D661H, n = 1; D661V, n = 1; D661V+Y640F, n = 1) (red). (B) Heat map of commonly regulated genes (FDR < 0.05) between STAT3Y640F-expressing mouse HPC7 cell lines and samples from patients with T-LGLL. Genes that are stronger bound by STAT3Y640F are annotated in red on the right. (C) Overlap of genes that are overexpressed in murine and human STAT3-mutation–driven cells (i), are stronger bound by STAT3Y640F (top) (ii), and represent selective dependencies in STAT3Y640F-driven HPC7 cells (bottom) (iii). (D) Normalized expression of Sbno2 in HPC7 cells expressing either STAT3, STAT3Y640F, or empty vector (mean ± SD, n = 3). (E) Normalized expression of SBNO2 in healthy CD8+ T cells (n = 5) or T-LGLL cells expressing either WT (n = 5) or mutant (n = 10) STAT3 (mean ± SD). Levels of significance were calculated using unpaired t-tests in panels D-E. ∗P < .05; ∗∗P < .01; ∗∗∗P < .001. FDR, false discovery rate. GSEA Gene set enrichment analyses.

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