Figure 6.
Myb deficiency affects protein production and degradation. (A) KSL cells from 2-month-old WT and Myb+/− mice were stained with Me4BodipyFL-Ahx3Leu3VS proteasome activity probe either with or without prior incubation with MG-132. MFI was calculated. n = 3, P = .007. (B) Protein synthesis was assessed in 12-month-old KSL cells from WT and Myb+/− mice, either with or without cycloheximide inhibition, using the OPP assay. MFI was calculated. n = 3, P = .016. (C) Proliferation rate of WT vs Myb+/− HSC from 2-month-old mice. Bone marrow from WT and Myb+/− mice (n = 5) were fixed and permeabilized for intracellular anti-Ki67 staining. KSL HSC and LT-HSC (KSL48-150+) cells were gated for the analysis of Ki67. Data represents the average percentage of Ki67+ cells with SEM. For KSL HSC P = .024. OPP, O-propargyl-puromycin; SEM, standard error of the mean.

Myb deficiency affects protein production and degradation. (A) KSL cells from 2-month-old WT and Myb+/− mice were stained with Me4BodipyFL-Ahx3Leu3VS proteasome activity probe either with or without prior incubation with MG-132. MFI was calculated. n = 3, P = .007. (B) Protein synthesis was assessed in 12-month-old KSL cells from WT and Myb+/− mice, either with or without cycloheximide inhibition, using the OPP assay. MFI was calculated. n = 3, P = .016. (C) Proliferation rate of WT vs Myb+/− HSC from 2-month-old mice. Bone marrow from WT and Myb+/− mice (n = 5) were fixed and permeabilized for intracellular anti-Ki67 staining. KSL HSC and LT-HSC (KSL48-150+) cells were gated for the analysis of Ki67. Data represents the average percentage of Ki67+ cells with SEM. For KSL HSC P = .024. OPP, O-propargyl-puromycin; SEM, standard error of the mean.

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