Figure 1.
TP53 alterations in the GRAALL03/05 and FRALLE2000 studies. (A) Lollipop plots indicating TP53 mutations in 476 patients with T-ALL. More details on the pathogenicity of the TP53 mutations are provided in supplemental Table 4. (B) Circos plots illustrating pairwise relationships across relatively common mutated genes in TP53Alt T-ALL. The width of the ribbon corresponds to the number of cases with the simultaneous presence of a first and second gene mutation. (C) Frequency of alterations per gene in TP53Alt vs TP53WT T-ALL. The width of the circles is proportional to the frequency of alterations observed in the 2 T-ALL subgroups (TP53Alt in red vs TP53WT T-ALL in blue). (D-E) Clinical impact of TP53Alt in the GRAALL0305 and FRALLE2000 studies. OS (D) and CIR (E) are shown. The red curve represents patients with TP53Alt T-ALL and the blue curve represents patients with TP53WT.

TP53 alterations in the GRAALL03/05 and FRALLE2000 studies. (A) Lollipop plots indicating TP53 mutations in 476 patients with T-ALL. More details on the pathogenicity of the TP53 mutations are provided in supplemental Table 4. (B) Circos plots illustrating pairwise relationships across relatively common mutated genes in TP53Alt T-ALL. The width of the ribbon corresponds to the number of cases with the simultaneous presence of a first and second gene mutation. (C) Frequency of alterations per gene in TP53Alt vs TP53WT T-ALL. The width of the circles is proportional to the frequency of alterations observed in the 2 T-ALL subgroups (TP53Alt in red vs TP53WT T-ALL in blue). (D-E) Clinical impact of TP53Alt in the GRAALL0305 and FRALLE2000 studies. OS (D) and CIR (E) are shown. The red curve represents patients with TP53Alt T-ALL and the blue curve represents patients with TP53WT.

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