Figure 3.
Cumulatively changed parameters of thrombus formation per surface in the included patients. Univariate scaled parameters from P1 to P8 of thrombus formation on microspots from M1 to M6 were compared per family (I-J) of index (∗) and nonindex Pats vs mean values from control subjects (CCF01-05; mean ± standard deviation). Subtracted scaled data were used, as described in supplemental Figure 4. Indicated are cumulative changes in parameters (P1-8) vs means of CCF controls (no statistical filtering) per family member; presentation in the order of microspots M1-6. For patient description, see Table 1. For raw and scaled data, see supplemental Datafile.

Cumulatively changed parameters of thrombus formation per surface in the included patients. Univariate scaled parameters from P1 to P8 of thrombus formation on microspots from M1 to M6 were compared per family (I-J) of index (∗) and nonindex Pats vs mean values from control subjects (CCF01-05; mean ± standard deviation). Subtracted scaled data were used, as described in supplemental Figure 4. Indicated are cumulative changes in parameters (P1-8) vs means of CCF controls (no statistical filtering) per family member; presentation in the order of microspots M1-6. For patient description, see Table 1. For raw and scaled data, see supplemental Datafile.

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