Figure 2.
Patient disposition. Notably, also some patients with PD at EoT have entered the FU period. ∗All the patients randomized were included in efficacy analysis (FAS) and safety analysis. †Discontinuations of other study components not shown. ‡Completed study: all FU visits completed. §PD and participation in another clinical trial. AE, adverse event; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; FU, follow-up; PD, progressive disease.

Patient disposition. Notably, also some patients with PD at EoT have entered the FU period. ∗All the patients randomized were included in efficacy analysis (FAS) and safety analysis. Discontinuations of other study components not shown. Completed study: all FU visits completed. §PD and participation in another clinical trial. AE, adverse event; COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019; FU, follow-up; PD, progressive disease.

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