Figure 2.
Distribution of male donor cells in the cerebral cortex, detected via XY FISH. Representative cortical biopsy sections from female patients with a history of sex-mismatched stem cell transplantation, illustrating the distribution of male donor cells. (A) Most donor cells exist as individual cells within the cortical gray matter (orange arrows). (B-C) Male donor cells are enriched in perivascular location (red arrows). Background autofluorescence identifies small blood vessels and intravascular donor cells (green arrows). (D) Donor cells are enriched along the cortical surface adjacent to the arachnoid membrane (orange arrows). Red probe, Y chromosome; green probe, X chromosome; blue, DAPI-stained nuclei. Original magnification ×400; scale bar, 50μm.

Distribution of male donor cells in the cerebral cortex, detected via XY FISH. Representative cortical biopsy sections from female patients with a history of sex-mismatched stem cell transplantation, illustrating the distribution of male donor cells. (A) Most donor cells exist as individual cells within the cortical gray matter (orange arrows). (B-C) Male donor cells are enriched in perivascular location (red arrows). Background autofluorescence identifies small blood vessels and intravascular donor cells (green arrows). (D) Donor cells are enriched along the cortical surface adjacent to the arachnoid membrane (orange arrows). Red probe, Y chromosome; green probe, X chromosome; blue, DAPI-stained nuclei. Original magnification ×400; scale bar, 50μm.

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