Figure 5.
Genetic subgroups are characterized by distinct molecular features. (A) Rates of simple somatic mutations in 1000-bp windows sliding by 500 bp within known sites affected by aSHM. Only bins with at least 20 patients harboring mutations at the particular aSHM site are included in the visualization. Only the sites mutated at differential frequency between EBV-positive and EBV-negative, or between aBL and pBL, are shown (pairwise Fisher exact test with Benjamini-Hochberg multiple test correction). The asterisk (∗) alongside aSHM site indicates its mutation rates being significantly enriched in BL compared with DLBCL. (B) Patients with BL in the genetic subgroup DLBCL-C are characterized by the highest levels of mutation at aSHM sites across common targets (using only samples from patients with BL). Each point indicates odds ratio relative to the aSHM rates for patients in Q53-BL subgroup ± SE.

Genetic subgroups are characterized by distinct molecular features. (A) Rates of simple somatic mutations in 1000-bp windows sliding by 500 bp within known sites affected by aSHM. Only bins with at least 20 patients harboring mutations at the particular aSHM site are included in the visualization. Only the sites mutated at differential frequency between EBV-positive and EBV-negative, or between aBL and pBL, are shown (pairwise Fisher exact test with Benjamini-Hochberg multiple test correction). The asterisk (∗) alongside aSHM site indicates its mutation rates being significantly enriched in BL compared with DLBCL. (B) Patients with BL in the genetic subgroup DLBCL-C are characterized by the highest levels of mutation at aSHM sites across common targets (using only samples from patients with BL). Each point indicates odds ratio relative to the aSHM rates for patients in Q53-BL subgroup ± SE.

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