Figure 1.
Prognostic impact of BL-IPI risk groups and individual components applied to the DA-EPOCH-R cohort. (A) Distribution of study population between BL-IPI risk groups. (B) Comparison of Kaplan-Meier estimates of EFS of patients in each BL-IPI risk group. (C) Forest plot depicting the prognostic impact of each BL-IPI component on EFS. The diamonds depict HRs, and straight lines depict 95% CIs; ∗P < .05.

Prognostic impact of BL-IPI risk groups and individual components applied to the DA-EPOCH-R cohort. (A) Distribution of study population between BL-IPI risk groups. (B) Comparison of Kaplan-Meier estimates of EFS of patients in each BL-IPI risk group. (C) Forest plot depicting the prognostic impact of each BL-IPI component on EFS. The diamonds depict HRs, and straight lines depict 95% CIs; ∗P < .05.

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