Figure 4.
Evi1KI/+ mice show mild ossification delay. (A) Alcian blue and Alizarin red staining of Evi1+/+ mice and Evi1KI/+ mice at E18.5 and P0. Bars represent 5 mm. The ossified fraction was used to evaluate ossification, based on the study by Chang et al.24 (B) Ossification of Evi1+/+ and Evi1KI/+ mice. At E18.5, although only the comparison of the humeral ossification was statistically significant, Evi1KI/+ mice (n = 7) exhibited delayed ossification compared with Evi1+/+ mice (n = 8). At P0, there was no significant difference between the ossification of Evi1+/+ mice (n = 7) and Evi1KI/+ mice (n = 6). Threshold significance level, P = .05 (2-tailed Welch t test). Underlined numbers denote the P value. Values are the mean ± SEM of each group. WT, Evi1+/+ mice; KI, Evi1KI/+ mice.

Evi1KI/+ mice show mild ossification delay. (A) Alcian blue and Alizarin red staining of Evi1+/+ mice and Evi1KI/+ mice at E18.5 and P0. Bars represent 5 mm. The ossified fraction was used to evaluate ossification, based on the study by Chang et al.24 (B) Ossification of Evi1+/+ and Evi1KI/+ mice. At E18.5, although only the comparison of the humeral ossification was statistically significant, Evi1KI/+ mice (n = 7) exhibited delayed ossification compared with Evi1+/+ mice (n = 8). At P0, there was no significant difference between the ossification of Evi1+/+ mice (n = 7) and Evi1KI/+ mice (n = 6). Threshold significance level, P = .05 (2-tailed Welch t test). Underlined numbers denote the P value. Values are the mean ± SEM of each group. WT, Evi1+/+ mice; KI, Evi1KI/+ mice.

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