Figure 6.
Enrichment of mutations in FL/t-FL subsets. (A-D) Scatter plots displaying frequency of mutations per gene in FL/t-FL subsets. Points are highlighted in red for genes over-/underenriched by Fisher exact testing (P < .05). Bar plots magnifying data for points highlighted in red on scatter plots, with genes also meeting SMG criteria for (A-B) dx FL or (C-D) rel/ref FL or t-FL being colored blue/yellow.

Enrichment of mutations in FL/t-FL subsets. (A-D) Scatter plots displaying frequency of mutations per gene in FL/t-FL subsets. Points are highlighted in red for genes over-/underenriched by Fisher exact testing (P < .05). Bar plots magnifying data for points highlighted in red on scatter plots, with genes also meeting SMG criteria for (A-B) dx FL or (C-D) rel/ref FL or t-FL being colored blue/yellow.

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