Figure 5.
Mutation burden increases across FL timeline but is not prognostic in newly diagnosed FL. (A) Box-and-whisker and violin plots of number of mutated genes per sample by newly diagnosed (Dx) FL, rel/ref FL, or t-FL; (B) box-and-whisker and violin plots of number of total nonsilent variants per sample by Dx FL, rel/ref FL, or t-FL; (C) box-and-whisker and violin plots of number genes with multiple mutations (multihit) per sample by Dx FL, rel/ref FL, or t-FL; (D-E) Cox proportional hazard penalized splines model of PFS or OS against number of mutated genes normalized to PFS or OS associated with median number of mutated genes; gray shading with dashed boundaries displays 95% CI; red horizontal line highlights null hypothesis HR of 1.0.

Mutation burden increases across FL timeline but is not prognostic in newly diagnosed FL. (A) Box-and-whisker and violin plots of number of mutated genes per sample by newly diagnosed (Dx) FL, rel/ref FL, or t-FL; (B) box-and-whisker and violin plots of number of total nonsilent variants per sample by Dx FL, rel/ref FL, or t-FL; (C) box-and-whisker and violin plots of number genes with multiple mutations (multihit) per sample by Dx FL, rel/ref FL, or t-FL; (D-E) Cox proportional hazard penalized splines model of PFS or OS against number of mutated genes normalized to PFS or OS associated with median number of mutated genes; gray shading with dashed boundaries displays 95% CI; red horizontal line highlights null hypothesis HR of 1.0.

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