Figure 3.
After BCMA-directed CAR T relapse, use of subsequent T-cell–engaging therapies can lead to durable responses. (A) OS curve for the 35 patients who received at least 1 instance of subsequent T-cell–engaging therapy (ie, CAR T and/or bispecific antibodies) at any time point after relapse on BCMA-directed CAR T. (B) PFS curve of first-line salvage therapy for the 13 patients who immediately transitioned onto a T-cell–engaging therapy after relapse to BCMA-directed CAR T therapy.

After BCMA-directed CAR T relapse, use of subsequent T-cell–engaging therapies can lead to durable responses. (A) OS curve for the 35 patients who received at least 1 instance of subsequent T-cell–engaging therapy (ie, CAR T and/or bispecific antibodies) at any time point after relapse on BCMA-directed CAR T. (B) PFS curve of first-line salvage therapy for the 13 patients who immediately transitioned onto a T-cell–engaging therapy after relapse to BCMA-directed CAR T therapy.

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