Figure 2.
Course of platelet response∗ over time. ∗Percentage values for patients were calculated based on the respective number (n) of patients with response data available at that specific time point as denominator. A patient was defined as “with response data at that time” if ≥1 measurement was documented in the respective time window. At any time indicates the proportion of patients experiencing ≥1 platelet response at any time point since the start of eltrombopag treatment. Last observation carried forward was labeled as LV. At any time indicates the proportion of patients experiencing ≥1 platelet response at any time point since the start of eltrombopag. N, number of patients with ≥1 measurement; n, number of patients with ≥1 event.

Course of platelet response∗ over time. ∗Percentage values for patients were calculated based on the respective number (n) of patients with response data available at that specific time point as denominator. A patient was defined as “with response data at that time” if ≥1 measurement was documented in the respective time window. At any time indicates the proportion of patients experiencing ≥1 platelet response at any time point since the start of eltrombopag treatment. Last observation carried forward was labeled as LV. At any time indicates the proportion of patients experiencing ≥1 platelet response at any time point since the start of eltrombopag. N, number of patients with ≥1 measurement; n, number of patients with ≥1 event.

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