Figure 4.
Mean plasma arsenic and mean plasma trough arsenic concentration-time profiles. (A) Mean plasma arsenic concentration-time profiles on day 1 by ethnic background. Bars represent means ± standard deviation. The systemic exposure of darinaparsin is similar for all ethnic backgrounds. (B) Mean plasma trough arsenic concentration-time profiles on days 2 to 6 by ethnic background. Bars represent means ± standard deviation. The systemic exposure of darinaparsin is similar for all ethnic backgrounds.

Mean plasma arsenic and mean plasma trough arsenic concentration-time profiles. (A) Mean plasma arsenic concentration-time profiles on day 1 by ethnic background. Bars represent means ± standard deviation. The systemic exposure of darinaparsin is similar for all ethnic backgrounds. (B) Mean plasma trough arsenic concentration-time profiles on days 2 to 6 by ethnic background. Bars represent means ± standard deviation. The systemic exposure of darinaparsin is similar for all ethnic backgrounds.

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