FigureĀ 1.
Distribution of coping strategies. The proportion of caregivers with a score greater than the median for each coping strategy is shown. For the acceptance coping domain, the median was the maximum score for that domain. Median scores for each coping strategy were active, 7.0; positive reframing, 6.0; emotional support, 7.0; acceptance, 8.0; religious, 6.0; denial, 2.0; self-blame, 2.0; behavioral disengagement, 2.0.

Distribution of coping strategies. The proportion of caregivers with a score greater than the median for each coping strategy is shown. For the acceptance coping domain, the median was the maximum score for that domain. Median scores for each coping strategy were active, 7.0; positive reframing, 6.0; emotional support, 7.0; acceptance, 8.0; religious, 6.0; denial, 2.0; self-blame, 2.0; behavioral disengagement, 2.0.

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