FigureĀ 1.
The CAR-HEMATOTOX score as a risk stratification tool. Data presented in the tables are based on multicenter retrospective analyses examining hematotoxicity and infectious complications in patients receiving CAR-T for relapsed/refractory LBCL,13,22 MCL,43 or MM.44 CI, confidence interval; HT, CAR-HEMATOTOX score; MCL, mantle cell lymphoma. MM, multiple myeloma.

The CAR-HEMATOTOX score as a risk stratification tool. Data presented in the tables are based on multicenter retrospective analyses examining hematotoxicity and infectious complications in patients receiving CAR-T for relapsed/refractory LBCL,13,22 MCL,43 or MM.44 CI, confidence interval; HT, CAR-HEMATOTOX score; MCL, mantle cell lymphoma. MM, multiple myeloma.

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