Figure 4.
Altered epigenome landscape of patient T lymphoblasts. We performed an ATACseq using patient and HC T lymphoblasts upon stimulation with PMA/ionomycin to initiate downstream epigenetic and transcriptional changes. (A) ATACseq chromatogram showing the accessibility of IL2 gene locus in patients P1 and P2 and HCs (n = 2). Reads per genomic content (RPGC; 1 × normalization) normalized tracks. (B) Heatmap of differentially accessible regions at gene promoters (transcription start site ± 1 kb) between HC-derived (HC1 and HC2) and patient-derived (P1 and P2) expanded T cells [DESeq2; abs(log2FC) > log2(1.3)].35 Values are z scores derived from regularized log transformation (DESeq2 rlog function) of count data. Positive values indicate that regions of the corresponding genes are more transcriptionally accessible, whereas negative values indicate that the regions are less accessible. (C) Heatmap of top 50 most significantly (Padj < .05; a Benjamini-Hochberg [BH] adjusted P value for the variability being greater than the null hypothesis of 1) variable transcription factor motifs across samples of HC-derived (HC1 and HC2) and patient-derived (P1 and P2) expanded T cells. Values are z scores for each bias-corrected deviations. (D) Top 20 significantly (Padj < .05); a BH adjusted corrected P value (P < .05) and HC-only enriched GOBP (gene ontology biological processes) terms of genes associated with unique WT peaks.

Altered epigenome landscape of patient T lymphoblasts. We performed an ATACseq using patient and HC T lymphoblasts upon stimulation with PMA/ionomycin to initiate downstream epigenetic and transcriptional changes. (A) ATACseq chromatogram showing the accessibility of IL2 gene locus in patients P1 and P2 and HCs (n = 2). Reads per genomic content (RPGC; 1 × normalization) normalized tracks. (B) Heatmap of differentially accessible regions at gene promoters (transcription start site ± 1 kb) between HC-derived (HC1 and HC2) and patient-derived (P1 and P2) expanded T cells [DESeq2; abs(log2FC) > log2(1.3)].35 Values are z scores derived from regularized log transformation (DESeq2 rlog function) of count data. Positive values indicate that regions of the corresponding genes are more transcriptionally accessible, whereas negative values indicate that the regions are less accessible. (C) Heatmap of top 50 most significantly (Padj < .05; a Benjamini-Hochberg [BH] adjusted P value for the variability being greater than the null hypothesis of 1) variable transcription factor motifs across samples of HC-derived (HC1 and HC2) and patient-derived (P1 and P2) expanded T cells. Values are z scores for each bias-corrected deviations. (D) Top 20 significantly (Padj < .05); a BH adjusted corrected P value (P < .05) and HC-only enriched GOBP (gene ontology biological processes) terms of genes associated with unique WT peaks.

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