Figure 4.
ERG is a direct transcriptional target of EVI1 in murine and human AML. (A) Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9-based loss-of-function screens in murine RUNX1/EVI1 vs MLL/AF9-driven leukemia cells. Gray dots illustrate all genes. Dark blue dots represent conserved transcriptional targets of EVI1. Axis shows FDR-adjusted normalized log2 FC. Dashed box represents genes with an FDR-adjusted normalized log2 FC < −0.5 in murine RUNX1/EVI1-driven and > −0.5 in murine MLL/AF9-driven AML. (B) Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9-based loss-of-function screens in murine RUNX1/EVI1-driven vs human HNT-34 AML cells. Gray dots illustrate all genes. Dark blue dots represent conserved transcriptional targets of EVI1. Axis shows FDR-adjusted normalized log2 FC. Dashed box represents genes with an FDR-adjusted normalized log2 FC < −0.5 in murine RUNX1/EVI1-driven AML and < −0.5 in human HNT-34 cells. (C) Comparative analysis of loss-of-function–mediated gene effects in human and murine EVI1–dependent AML compared with all other AML cell lines. Gray dots represent all genes. Dark blue dots represent conserved transcriptional targets of EVI1. X-axis depicts the average differential gene effect between the 2 groups. Y-axis depicts the log-transformed Bayesian factor. (D) Expression of ERG in human HNT-34 cells 5 days upon shRNA-mediated EVI1 knockdown in vitro and in murine ex vivo–derived RUNX1/EVI1-driven leukemia cells extracted from the BM of mice upon 3 days of Dox treatment (mean ± standard deviation [SD]; n = 3). (E) Flow cytometric analysis of intracellular RUNX1/EVI1 and ERG levels in murine leukemia cells 5 days upon RUNX1/EVI1 knockdown compared with nontargeting and isotype control. (F) Quantification of the mean fluorescence intensity of RUNX1/EVI1 and ERG levels as determined by flow cytometry in murine leukemia cells 5 days upon RUNX1/EVI1 knockdown, compared with knockdown of Myc and nontargeting shRen.713 (mean ± SD; n = 3). (G) EVI1 occupancy at the ERG locus. H3K27ac ChIP-seq in HNT-34 and MOLM-1 (gray). EVI1 ChIP-seq in HNT-34, MOLM-1 and primary patient-derived AML cells (EVI1-R, blue). ATAC-seq in patient-derived AML cells (red). The +85 stem cell enhancer region43 is indicated. ns, not significant.

ERG is a direct transcriptional target of EVI1 in murine and human AML. (A) Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9-based loss-of-function screens in murine RUNX1/EVI1 vs MLL/AF9-driven leukemia cells. Gray dots illustrate all genes. Dark blue dots represent conserved transcriptional targets of EVI1. Axis shows FDR-adjusted normalized log2 FC. Dashed box represents genes with an FDR-adjusted normalized log2 FC < −0.5 in murine RUNX1/EVI1-driven and > −0.5 in murine MLL/AF9-driven AML. (B) Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9-based loss-of-function screens in murine RUNX1/EVI1-driven vs human HNT-34 AML cells. Gray dots illustrate all genes. Dark blue dots represent conserved transcriptional targets of EVI1. Axis shows FDR-adjusted normalized log2 FC. Dashed box represents genes with an FDR-adjusted normalized log2 FC < −0.5 in murine RUNX1/EVI1-driven AML and < −0.5 in human HNT-34 cells. (C) Comparative analysis of loss-of-function–mediated gene effects in human and murine EVI1–dependent AML compared with all other AML cell lines. Gray dots represent all genes. Dark blue dots represent conserved transcriptional targets of EVI1. X-axis depicts the average differential gene effect between the 2 groups. Y-axis depicts the log-transformed Bayesian factor. (D) Expression of ERG in human HNT-34 cells 5 days upon shRNA-mediated EVI1 knockdown in vitro and in murine ex vivo–derived RUNX1/EVI1-driven leukemia cells extracted from the BM of mice upon 3 days of Dox treatment (mean ± standard deviation [SD]; n = 3). (E) Flow cytometric analysis of intracellular RUNX1/EVI1 and ERG levels in murine leukemia cells 5 days upon RUNX1/EVI1 knockdown compared with nontargeting and isotype control. (F) Quantification of the mean fluorescence intensity of RUNX1/EVI1 and ERG levels as determined by flow cytometry in murine leukemia cells 5 days upon RUNX1/EVI1 knockdown, compared with knockdown of Myc and nontargeting shRen.713 (mean ± SD; n = 3). (G) EVI1 occupancy at the ERG locus. H3K27ac ChIP-seq in HNT-34 and MOLM-1 (gray). EVI1 ChIP-seq in HNT-34, MOLM-1 and primary patient-derived AML cells (EVI1-R, blue). ATAC-seq in patient-derived AML cells (red). The +85 stem cell enhancer region43 is indicated. ns, not significant.

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