FigureĀ 2.
Intraoperative blood component supplementation according to group and aVWS status. aVWS-positive patients with complex biventricular repair (group II) received significantly higher amounts of RBC, FFP, PLT, and FIB, which could not be proved for group I and IV. Group III is not shown owing to the comparatively low requirements for blood components in non-CPB surgery. BW, body weight.

Intraoperative blood component supplementation according to group and aVWS status. aVWS-positive patients with complex biventricular repair (group II) received significantly higher amounts of RBC, FFP, PLT, and FIB, which could not be proved for group I and IV. Group III is not shown owing to the comparatively low requirements for blood components in non-CPB surgery. BW, body weight.

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