FigureĀ 6.
IL-13, IL-22, OSM, and IL-4 are expressed in lesional skin from patients with MF. scRNA-seq samples from 8 healthy controls (HCs) and 32 MF biopsies across 4 publicly available studies50-52,62 were integrated and batch corrected using SCVI. (A,B) Cell-type annotation visualized on uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) showing distinct clustering of major cell types annotated by the expression of lineage markers. (C) Quantification of IL-13, IL-22, OSM, IL-4, and IL-6 transcripts across each sample divided into HC and MF. Values denote the number of unique cytokine transcripts per million total transcripts (tpm). (D) UMAP visualization of which cell clusters express each cytokine. Owing to sparsity of the transcripts, positive cells are plotted on top. (E) Quantification of IL-13, IL-22, OSM, IL-4 IL-6, and TOX transcripts across cell clusters within each sample. Bars depicting samples with extreme expression were truncated to allow visualization, together with samples with lower expression levels. The truncation is indicated by dashed lines, and numbers in bars denote tpm for the given bar at full height. Gray areas mark HC samples. The samples were ordered by study and disease status (HC vs MF), lesion type, and MF stage as shown at the bottom. Multiple biopsies across multiple lesion types are included for some patients and can be identified by the sample names below the plot. Fraction of cells expressing at least 1 transcript of TOX (F) or IL-13, IL-22, OSM, IL-4, or IL-6 (G) within T cells from HC, and benign T cells, or malignant cells from MF biopsies. Lines link values from matched benign T cells and malignant cells from the same sample. pDC, plasmacytoid dendritic cell.

IL-13, IL-22, OSM, and IL-4 are expressed in lesional skin from patients with MF. scRNA-seq samples from 8 healthy controls (HCs) and 32 MF biopsies across 4 publicly available studies50-52,62 were integrated and batch corrected using SCVI. (A,B) Cell-type annotation visualized on uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) showing distinct clustering of major cell types annotated by the expression of lineage markers. (C) Quantification of IL-13, IL-22, OSM, IL-4, and IL-6 transcripts across each sample divided into HC and MF. Values denote the number of unique cytokine transcripts per million total transcripts (tpm). (D) UMAP visualization of which cell clusters express each cytokine. Owing to sparsity of the transcripts, positive cells are plotted on top. (E) Quantification of IL-13, IL-22, OSM, IL-4 IL-6, and TOX transcripts across cell clusters within each sample. Bars depicting samples with extreme expression were truncated to allow visualization, together with samples with lower expression levels. The truncation is indicated by dashed lines, and numbers in bars denote tpm for the given bar at full height. Gray areas mark HC samples. The samples were ordered by study and disease status (HC vs MF), lesion type, and MF stage as shown at the bottom. Multiple biopsies across multiple lesion types are included for some patients and can be identified by the sample names below the plot. Fraction of cells expressing at least 1 transcript of TOX (F) or IL-13, IL-22, OSM, IL-4, or IL-6 (G) within T cells from HC, and benign T cells, or malignant cells from MF biopsies. Lines link values from matched benign T cells and malignant cells from the same sample. pDC, plasmacytoid dendritic cell.

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