Figure 7.
TTDIVO analysis: comparison of early rivipansel subjects in OLE with early placebo in RESET or early rivipansel in RESET. Kaplan-Meier plots are shown for superiority of early rivipansel TTDIVO in OLE study to early placebo TTDIVO in RESET for all subjects, adult subjects, or pediatric subjects (top row). Forest plots for TTDIVO in all subjects, adult subjects, or pediatric subjects are shown below for superiority comparison of early rivipansel OLE subjects with early placebo RESET subjects (left) and noninferiority comparison of early rivipansel OLE subjects with early rivipansel RESET subjects (right). For each comparison, first early OLE treatments for each group are shown with the corresponding early placebo treatments in RESET: early treatment for adults is ≤26.4 hours from onset of VOC to start of treatment, and early treatment for pediatric patients is ≤30 hours from onset of VOC to start of treatment.

TTDIVO analysis: comparison of early rivipansel subjects in OLE with early placebo in RESET or early rivipansel in RESET. Kaplan-Meier plots are shown for superiority of early rivipansel TTDIVO in OLE study to early placebo TTDIVO in RESET for all subjects, adult subjects, or pediatric subjects (top row). Forest plots for TTDIVO in all subjects, adult subjects, or pediatric subjects are shown below for superiority comparison of early rivipansel OLE subjects with early placebo RESET subjects (left) and noninferiority comparison of early rivipansel OLE subjects with early rivipansel RESET subjects (right). For each comparison, first early OLE treatments for each group are shown with the corresponding early placebo treatments in RESET: early treatment for adults is ≤26.4 hours from onset of VOC to start of treatment, and early treatment for pediatric patients is ≤30 hours from onset of VOC to start of treatment.

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