Figure 2.
Mga mutation alters B-cell developmental pathways. (A) Percent (%) abundance of MZ B cells, (B) GC B cells in spleen and (C) B1a cells in peritoneum preparations from 5 animals per group, including non-targeting controls. ∗∗P-value, lower or equal to 0.01, ∗∗∗P-value, lower or equal to 0.001, ANOVA with Dunnett's correction for multiple comparisons. (D) Flow-plot of edited vs unedited fractions analyzed via RNA-seq and CISTROME-GO. (E) Pathway enrichment analysis of Mga-depleted vs unedited cells, per Enrichr. (F) IGV screenshot of MYC ChIP-seq data of mouse B cells with or without LPS treatment and RNA-seq data of Lck gene expression in edited (Mgaindel) and unedited (MgaWT) fractions of 2 independent mice. (G) Change in expression (Mgaindel vs MgaWT) of genes that were direct Myc targets upon LPS stimuli, as assessed by CISTROME-GO analysis. ∗∗∗P-value, lower or equal to 0.001; χ2 test. GC, germinal center; IGV, integrative genomics viewer; MZ, marginal zone.

Mga mutation alters B-cell developmental pathways. (A) Percent (%) abundance of MZ B cells, (B) GC B cells in spleen and (C) B1a cells in peritoneum preparations from 5 animals per group, including non-targeting controls. ∗∗P-value, lower or equal to 0.01, ∗∗∗P-value, lower or equal to 0.001, ANOVA with Dunnett's correction for multiple comparisons. (D) Flow-plot of edited vs unedited fractions analyzed via RNA-seq and CISTROME-GO. (E) Pathway enrichment analysis of Mga-depleted vs unedited cells, per Enrichr. (F) IGV screenshot of MYC ChIP-seq data of mouse B cells with or without LPS treatment and RNA-seq data of Lck gene expression in edited (Mgaindel) and unedited (MgaWT) fractions of 2 independent mice. (G) Change in expression (Mgaindel vs MgaWT) of genes that were direct Myc targets upon LPS stimuli, as assessed by CISTROME-GO analysis. ∗∗∗P-value, lower or equal to 0.001; χ2 test. GC, germinal center; IGV, integrative genomics viewer; MZ, marginal zone.

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