Figure 4.
Event-free and overall survival (OS) by modal number (MN). Event-free survival by MN 45 vs 43 to 44 (A). OS by MN 45 vs 43 to 44 (B). HRs represent analyses on patients with complete FLT3-ITD. ∗Adjusted for sex, complex karyotype, FLT3-ITD, and WBC. HR, hazard ratio.

Event-free and overall survival (OS) by modal number (MN). Event-free survival by MN 45 vs 43 to 44 (A). OS by MN 45 vs 43 to 44 (B). HRs represent analyses on patients with complete FLT3-ITD. ∗Adjusted for sex, complex karyotype, FLT3-ITD, and WBC. HR, hazard ratio.

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