Figure 2.
Outcomes stratified by relapse immunophenotype. (A) CIR stratified by relapse immunophenotype. Corresponding data in supplemental Table 2. (B) Median time to relapse, stratified by relapse immunophenotype. (C) OS following relapse, stratified by relapse immunophenotype. Median OS for CD19pos relapse was 18.9 months (95% CI, 11.2-27.0). Median OS for CD19neg relapse was 9.7 months (95% CI, 6.9-15.9). Median OS for LS was 3.7 months (95% CI, 1.2-7.0). (D) BCA at time of relapse, stratified by relapse immunophenotype. BCA, and loss thereof, was based on local assessment and was generally defined by 1 of the following parameters: (1) >1% bone marrow CD19+ hematogones; (2) >1% increase in CD19+ cells in bone marrow or peripheral blood; or (3) >3% CD19+ B cells of total peripheral blood lymphocytes or >50 CD19+ cells/μL, verified by 2 consecutive timepoints.

Outcomes stratified by relapse immunophenotype. (A) CIR stratified by relapse immunophenotype. Corresponding data in supplemental Table 2. (B) Median time to relapse, stratified by relapse immunophenotype. (C) OS following relapse, stratified by relapse immunophenotype. Median OS for CD19pos relapse was 18.9 months (95% CI, 11.2-27.0). Median OS for CD19neg relapse was 9.7 months (95% CI, 6.9-15.9). Median OS for LS was 3.7 months (95% CI, 1.2-7.0). (D) BCA at time of relapse, stratified by relapse immunophenotype. BCA, and loss thereof, was based on local assessment and was generally defined by 1 of the following parameters: (1) >1% bone marrow CD19+ hematogones; (2) >1% increase in CD19+ cells in bone marrow or peripheral blood; or (3) >3% CD19+ B cells of total peripheral blood lymphocytes or >50 CD19+ cells/μL, verified by 2 consecutive timepoints.

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